We haven't posted much in a while . . . hopefully folks are still tuning in! but I realized that we don't have news from about half of the SMP teams, so I'm going to work on remedying that in the next few days/weeks. SMP teams usually come into the Grand Rapids offices to talk to us about their experiences. We sometimes refer to this as a "debriefing" (not as sinister as it sounds!) Our 2006 two-person Mexico team is coming in next week for their (belated) debriefing, so in advance of that, I'm going to post a few pictures here, with the hope that they will be able to fill in some of the details soon!
sharing God's Word

There are worse places to spend your summer . . .

Beow, Seth Kuiper with some kids in mexico (left) and in a church service.

Tracts being prepared for outreach

Mark Hofman with some of his new friends