Oct 27, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--Puppets!

Some fun scenes from the "SMP Mexico 2007 Players" during an outreach.

Statistics tell us that childhood is the most
essential time to reach people with the
Gospel, yet many missionary endeavors are
geared towards reaching adults. SMP participants have an opportunity to reach out to people of all ages through a variety of activities.

So how about you . . . when did you first learn of Jesus' love?

--lorraine woodward

Oct 26, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day-Sent by the CRC, part 1

SMP participants are the "goers", heading out to all corners of the earth, but supported with prayer and finances by many people within the CRCNA. One highlight of the pre-field orientation is the commissioning service, where the SMP participants are celebrated, prayed over, and sent out with the blessing of a local congregation and the larger CRC.

SMP Photo of the Day-Sent by the CRC, part 2

In 2007, the SMP pre-field orientation coincided with the 150th anniversary celebration of the CRCNA, which was a wonderful complement to the commissioning service.

Oct 25, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--Laura having fun

Laura spends time playing with the kids of CRWM missionaries Ben and Amy Meyer, as well as another local child.

SMP participants live and work among CRWM career missionaries, getting a day-to-day view of what missionary life is really like.

Oct 24, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--Karlynn's storm

During pre-field orientation, SMP participants participated in a variety of activities to help them prepare for their time overseas. Here, Karlynn shares a picture she drew of a previous conflict she'd experienced. The participants were encouraged to draw this conflict in "weather language", one creative (and kind of fun!) way to describe feelings in a tense situation.

Oct 23, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--puzzled

Prior to heading out across the world, SMP participants spend an intense week in Grand Rapids, Michigan, getting to know each other and participating in activities that will help them as they serve in a variety of contexts.

Here, Brittney, Jordan, Laura, Karlynn and Charlene work on a group exercise during a training on conflict resolution.

Oct 22, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--telling the Story in Mexico

SMP Mexico participant Laura Vander Ploeg sharing a story with children in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Oct 21, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day-- "Behold, I stand at the door and knock"

Children in West Africa, like children all over the world, need to hear about the love of Jesus and the salvation He brings. SMP participants work alongside of CRWM missionaries who seek to share Jesus' love in a variety of ways.

Oct 20, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--Have you seen these people?!

No, this isn't the wall of the post office . . . It's a poster (we think it's in a church) of SMP Japan 2007 participants. They look wholesome and innocent enough, don't they?

Oct 19, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--Nice clothes!

Um, we are really not sure what Jordan, Matt, (and is that Karlynn?) are doing in this picture, but hey--when you go on SMP, you agree to serve the Lord in ANY capacity . . .

Oct 18, 2007

Oct 17, 2007

SMP Photo of the Day--do the Funky Chicken!

Matt Burns in Eastern Europe. We're not quite sure what he's doing . . . racing the chickens? catching his dinner? Actually, we're not even sure he's in Eastern Europe in this picture. I stalked his Facebook for this picture . . . (this is what happens when you don't send in your SMP pictures in a timely fashion!)

Oct 15, 2007

Japan--a study in contrasts

Less than 2% of the people in Japan follow Jesus, whereas Buddhism and Shintoism are widely followed.

The SMP team in Japan is one way that Christian Reformed World Missions is reaching out to the youth of Japan who need to know the true God.

More from West Africa

a smiling Fulani child

The Baobob tree is a ubiquitous symbol throughout West Africa, and is often a neighborhood gathering place.

Romans 10:13 in Pular.

Brittney in West Africa

Brittney (Stelpstra) Salverda served alongside CRWM career missionaries, and worked in partnership with three Brazilian missionaries among an unreached people group in West Africa*.

Brittney with the three Brazilian missionaries. Partnerships are an important part of CRWM strategy.

CRWM career missionary G.* talks in the marketplace where he and his wife travel to sell books every day.

*wondering why we're not naming names? Send an e-mail with your favorite Heidelberg Catechism Q&A to Lorraine for more information.

Oct 14, 2007

SMP Japan 2007

Charles Hong (center, with guitar)
and Lloyd Kim lead worship

Oct 13, 2007

Eastern Europe--kids, kids, and more kids!

Below--Charlene with two of the participants
at an English camp in Gyanta, Romania.

Using popsicle sticks to show that we can accomplish so
much more together than we can on our own!

Jordan with a new friend
SMP participants live and work alongside of
CRWM career missionaries.
Here, Abigail, George, Sarah, (and Elizabeth--not born yet!),
and Matthew de Vuyst smile for the camera.

Karlynn working on crafts with a
group of kids at one of the camps.

Oct 12, 2007

Eastern Europe camp scenes

Another week, another camp. The SMP Eastern Europe team shows off its mad dancing skills.

There must be a story here somewhere . . .

Karlynn and Matt lead the group in singing.
Now if only they knew what they were saying!

Oct 11, 2007

On the road with SMP Eastern Europe

Places to go, people to see, things to do!
Below, (left to right) Karlynn, Jordan, and
Charlene on their way to Ukraine.
Below: CRWM missionary George de Vuyst consults
a map before heading out with the group.
The Eastern Europe team travelled to three
different countries and led English camps and
Bible camps in Ukraine, Hungary and Romania.

Below: Welcome to Ukraine!
It's probably safe to say that the team hadn't
experienced this type of traffic jam before . . .

Below: Charlene, Jordan, and Matt discover
that we weren't kidding when we said that
you need to be able to carry all of your own luggage--
all the time--everywhere you go!

Oct 10, 2007

SMP 2007 in Mexico

SMP participants partner with CRWM career missionaries and with other partners. Sara and Laura spent part of their summer with Calvin Seminary intern Sam Boldenow (second from left) and his wife Christina Ludema (at left)

Below, Laura VanderPloeg gives her testimony at a
bonfire on the team's last night in Tijuana

Oct 9, 2007

SMP Mexico 2007

Sara Orellana steps out of her comfort zone as she helps to paint a local mission.
Back on the ground, Sara teaches English to a group of kids in Guadalajara.

Laura Vander Ploeg reads as a group of kids looks on eagerly.

Sara prepares for a lesson.

Oct 1, 2007

Coming soon--Scenes from SMP 2007!

Above, Charlene Ouwerkerk of the Eastern Europe team
performs some impromptu foot surgery on
Matthew Burns, also of the Eastern Europe team.