Jun 27, 2008
It's so much easier . . .
Here's a glimpse of the 2008 SMP Nigeria team, from the blog of our host missionaries, Mike and Megan Ribbens.
More to come soon!
Jun 20, 2008
Jun 11, 2008
Our SMPers are the BEST
and after a week of orientation in Grand Rapids, MI at the CRCNA headquarters, you can see that they are very, VERY excited!
At the pre-field orientation in Grand Rapids, SMPers participate in a variety of activities designed to encourage teamwork and help teammates get to know each other better. It doesn't hurt if these activities allow us to have some fun, too!
In this picture, members of the Eastern Europe 2008 SMP team work together to assemble a puzzle that will give them one of the clues they need for a scavenger hunt.
Jun 9, 2008
Here we go again!
Jun 8, 2008
During orientation, SMPers engage in a number of team-building activities. Above, Bev Becksvoort leads the teams in some role-playing that provides team members with tools to handle conflicts that may arise when they are on the field Publish Post