Nov 7, 2006

Meet the Eastern Europe team!

left to right: Melanie DeYoung, Elyse VanderSpek, Elise Enserink, Carmen Smits, Cheryl Verhulp, David Ligtenberg, Louise van Zwol, Eric Smickley

this is the fun part . . .


got yarn?

Melanie DeYoung (at left) and Cheryl Verhulp offer knitting lessons. The first challenge is to get the yarn untangled! Their students seem to be enjoying themselves, though.

soccer (football for you non-US types) time!

the universal language . . . can you spot David Ligtenberg? hint: he's wearing that fabulous SMP t-shirt!

getting the names straight

Elise, Elyse, Louise . . . try saying that three times fast!
well, at least they're wearing some fabulous fashions . . .

singing and playing the . . .

. . . um. what IS that, Carmen?
okay. it's probably just a flute.
I think it says what it is on the screen there. can anybody read that? ;-)