Oct 14, 2008

Valuing the Body of Christ

#3- We value the Body of Christ.

In Japan, where less than two percent of the population claim Christ as their Savior, ministry can be challenging, and fellowship rare and sweet.

Above: Japan SMP team hosts and participants
join together in prayer.

SMP Japan team members not only walk alongside of local ministry leaders to do ministry together, but they also are able to fellowship with and encourage those who are struggling to make Christ known in this difficult setting. In return, the North American participants are strengthened and encouraged in their own faith, and are challenged to live more fully for Christ when they return to North America.

Above: SMP 2008 team members Melanie Thompson (at right)
and Cindy Longyne interact with children in Japan.

As our values statement reminds us, We serve the Body of Christ around the world by connecting God’s people locally, nationally and internationally for proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations.

No matter where they go, SMPers are given a new picture of what it means to be a part of the global Body of Christ, and they are transformed by that vision.

(this is one in a series of ten blog posts that will seek to show how SMP participants live out and experience CRWM's values.)

Aug 29, 2008

Confessionally Reformed

#2--We Value a Confessionally Reformed Understanding of God’s Word

The team in Eastern Europe used the space and materials they had to show the story of God's creation, the fall, and His plan for redemption.

As Reformed Christians, we do believe that God is in control of every inch of this world, and that He is a God who can use even sidewalk chalk (in the hands of willing servants) to proclaim His Word!

(this is the second in a series of ten blog posts that will seek to show how SMP participants live out and experience CRWM's values.)

Aug 22, 2008

Passion for God’s Mission in the World

(this is the first of a series of ten blog posts that will seek to show how SMP participants live out and experience CRWM's values.)

#1--We Value Faith in God and Passion for God’s Mission in the World

In Guatemala, Elise and Kayla spent time at a local youth center called Rincon Joven ("youth corner"). A local congregation, Nueva Jerusalem (New Jerusalem), offers free walk-in tutoring, as well as classes in a variety of areas. Rincon Joven practices "incarnational ministry", that is, as Kayla puts it,

"ministering through relationships, as Jesus did his whole life--relentlessly pouring God's love into people by meeting all types of needs, but mainly the need to feel loved."

While in Guatemala, the team participated in a carnival to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the youth center.

Aug 20, 2008

summertime, and the blogging is easy . . .

. . . when someone else does it for you!
Again, a glimpse of the Nigeria SMP team from Mike and Megan Ribbens . . .

And lest you think we have love only for Nigeria, I promise we'll post some pics
from other teams soon . . .

Aug 19, 2008

Planning for ministry

The SMP Eastern Europe team had to work together to plan lessons, games, and other activities for the camps they led. Hopefully all of that team-building during orientation was helpful in preparing them to work together!

Aug 8, 2008

A change of perspective

August is an exciting time for those of us who are in the business of "sending out" SMPers. Little by little, the pictures and the stories start coming in, and we get to hear about the amazing ways in which God has worked in the lives of SMP participants.
It's amazing how our world, which once seemed so big, becomes so much smaller as we serve with and among people from all over the world, people who follow the same Savior as we do, and people who need to know Him. As any SMP participant will tell you, this one summer of service and learning will change you in ways you can't even imagine.
So what about you? Is it possible that God wants to change your perspective next summer?

Jul 14, 2008

Eastern Europe SMP 2008--on the move!

(photo by Xiong Yang)

The Eastern Europe team typically travels to camps and ministry events in at least three different locations within the countries of Ukraine, Hungary, and Romania. This makes them very glad they've packed lightly!

Jul 11, 2008

There are new and different foods to be tried . . .

. . . and then sometimes, there's just pizza . . . 

(photo by Xiong Yang)

Jul 10, 2008


A dance performance during a carnival celebrating an anniversary at Rincon Joven, a local community center in Guatemala. 

(photo by Elise Ditta)

Jun 27, 2008

It's so much easier . . .

when someone else does the blogging for you!

Here's a glimpse of the 2008 SMP Nigeria team, from the blog of our host missionaries, Mike and Megan Ribbens.

More to come soon!

Jun 20, 2008

Strange things happen at orientation

This was NOT a scheduled activity . . . actually, we have no idea WHAT they are doing. hmmm.

Jun 11, 2008

Our SMPers are the BEST

and after a week of orientation in Grand Rapids, MI at the CRCNA headquarters, you can see that they are very, VERY excited!


teamwork, originally uploaded by Summer Mission Program.

At the pre-field orientation in Grand Rapids, SMPers participate in a variety of activities designed to encourage teamwork and help teammates get to know each other better. It doesn't hurt if these activities allow us to have some fun, too!

In this picture, members of the Eastern Europe 2008 SMP team work together to assemble a puzzle that will give them one of the clues they need for a scavenger hunt.

Jun 9, 2008

Here we go again!

Pray for the 2008 SMP teams, heading out today and over the next few days to Guatemala, Eastern Europe, Mali, Nigeria, and more!

And stay tuned for more pictures and stories!

Jun 8, 2008

Sent out by the CRCNA

Scenes from the commissioning service at Neland Avenue CRC in Grand Rapids.

 commissioning service at the church


During orientation, SMPers engage in a number of team-building activities. Above, Bev Becksvoort leads the teams in some role-playing that provides team members with tools to handle conflicts that may arise when they are on the field Publish Post